Monday 2 April 2012

A home for strawberries and recycling at school

We bought some new strawberry plants and of course they needed homes. We made our own planters from some 2 litre Coca-Cola bottles -they are amazingly functional and not too bad too look at either. Better than seeing a plastic bottle stranded on the beach or littering the side-walks.
I have hundreds of plastic plant pots lying around the yard and getting blown about by the wind. And since spring is making my gardening fingers itch and all I can think of are seeds, I decided to recycle the pots and infect others with my spring fever. Seeds and plants are truly wonderful things! I taught the children I teach on Saturdays to make dyed paper flowers with coffee filters and create spring art. In the process we learnt some new vocabulary. At the end of the project, each child chose the seeds he or she wanted and I stuck them on to their artwork with Ironfix. As an added bonus, they got to take home a plastic plant pot to plant their new seeds! And, Bingo, I got rid of at least 60 plant pots and hopefully at least half of them will soon be used to sprout seeds.

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